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AI and the Future of Jobs: Embracing Change and Creativity

ai and the future of jobs

AI and the Future of Jobs have become a widely discussed topic, as artificial intelligence (AI) continues to make significant strides. Not a single day passes without encountering an article or video discussing AI’s potential to replace human jobs. Just recently, I revisited a prediction made by Mark Cuban, the renowned American entrepreneur, who stated in 2017 that even highly-valued computer science majors might lose relevance as AI begins to dominate programming. His rationale was simple: programming is essentially math, and AI excels at computation.

Fast forward to 2023, and Cuban’s prediction seems closer to reality than ever before. I recall advising my nephews to pursue programming careers for high pay and job security just a year ago. Fortunately, they didn’t heed my advice. As a teenager, I found joy in programming, even creating a text RPG, although I never completed it due to my lackluster storytelling skills. Writing, too, seems destined to fall under AI’s influence.

A recent Hollywood writers’ strike highlights the tension between the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP). Writers demand higher compensation and resist AI’s encroachment on scriptwriting. They view AI systems like ChatGPT as threats, deeming them “plagiarism machines” that feed on their creative works.

An intriguing Reddit post caught my attention: a writer who had worked for clients for a decade suddenly found himself replaced by ChatGPT. While admitting his writing quality was slightly superior, the clients opted for AI as it was more cost-effective. Struggling to adapt, the writer chose to become a plumber – a profession he believed would be safe from automation – and inherited some skills from his grandfather. Though he continues to write, he can no longer rely on it for a living.

In just six months since ChatGPT gained immense popularity and media attention, we have witnessed AI’s disruptive impact on our lives. What transformations will we see in the next six years? Will we even recognize the world we inhabit?

Yet, AI can also offer new opportunities and create novel professions, much like the internet did. I don’t believe AI will lead to mass unemployment; rather, it will increase productivity, thus reducing the number of employees needed for the same tasks. Embracing AI and harnessing its full potential is crucial.

Despite AI’s advancements, I remain convinced that human creativity reigns supreme. The most memorable masterpieces are born from our emotions and personal experiences. As long as AI doesn’t attain sentience, we will always have the upper hand in creativity, which is vital for devising innovative solutions in the future of jobs.

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1 thought on “AI and the Future of Jobs: Embracing Change and Creativity”

  1. Beeindruckend und beängstigend sind aktuell meine 2 Begriffe dazu und ich kann noch in keiner Weise einschätzen in wieweit man selbst “betroffen” sein wird. Richard David Precht hat zum Thema “New” Work auch einige Ausführungen getroffen – wenn KI zur Produktivitätssteigerung eingesetzt werden kann – und Menschen keine stupiden Aufgaben mehr machen müssen – kommt es zu einer Erleichterung – vielleicht sogar weniger Arbeit als heute. Es bleibt spannend.

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