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The ChatGPT Impact: A Catalyst for Change and the Birth of Ai Coach Samantha

The ChatGPT Impact

I am excited and grateful to witness the beginning of a new era: the rise of AI. Artificial Intelligence has emerged from the shadows and has now become mainstream. Since the public release of ChatGPT from OpenAI in November 2022, its user base has skyrocketed. From modest beginnings to becoming the fastest-growing product in the AI space, ChatGPT’s journey has been nothing short of remarkable. It quickly found applications in a wide range of industries, from customer support and content creation to education and entertainment. AI has become a trending topic, and there isn’t a week that goes by without breaking news about it. In this article, I am excited to share with you the ChatGPT Impact on my life.

My Encounter with AI

My story with AI began in March when I visited my friend Marius. I asked him about his company, Deyan7, which develops DiGAs (Digital Health Applications). These applications are designed to help users maintain, improve, or manage their health and well-being. Marius explained the challenges of developing such applications due to the strict regulations involved. He would prefer to build an app with fewer regulations, like a diet app, as it wouldn’t involve medical prescriptions but rather focus on practicing routines.

The ChatGPT Impact

During our conversation, Marius shared his success with finding a sleep solution for his son online. We decided to ask ChatGPT for its recommendations, and the results were astounding. This experience inspired us to create Samantha, an AI coaching app designed to help users with family and daily issues. Samantha provides practical solutions that can be turned into routines, helping users form positive habits over time.

Introducing The AI Whisperer

This brings me to my latest venture, The AI Whisperer: my personal blog all about AI. I will document my studies on artificial intelligence, report on new AI tools and news, and share how I implement AI in my work. Of course, I’ll also be reporting on Samantha, as I’m helping out with marketing for the app.

I hope to inspire readers to join me on this journey into a new era. Together, let’s explore the incredible potential of AI and its impact on our lives.

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