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Why Source Credibility Matters More Than Content in the AI Age

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Content is not king anymore – Source credibility is the new king

I found myself pondering the reasons for my excitement about AI, and I realized that AI finally completes me (when it comes to my skills ). How is that possible? It’s because AI is a perfect fit for my strengths. I have always been exceptionally creative in finding solutions to various problems – it’s like a natural talent of mine. When faced with an issue, I always seem to know a simple solution and can visualize all the necessary steps to reach a resolution. This ability is perhaps why I’m so passionate about my profession in sales and marketing, as I always know how to approach a target audience

However, the majority of the time, my strategy entails producing text- or image-based content to speak to the target audience, whether it be a newsletter or an Instagram post. I must admit that I’m not particularly talented in either of those disciplines, yet this method calls for writing and graphic design abilities. However, I’m not always sure how to write what I want to write. When it comes to this, AI is useful.

I would write a decent, error-free text thanks to word correction tools and select a stock photo (which had likely been used millions of times) to edit in Photoshop. On average, it would take me two hours to create a newsletter, sometimes even longer if I wasn’t feeling particularly inspired.

To be quite honest, I always found that picturing things in my head was the most enjoyable aspect. However, carrying those ideas out wasn’t always fun, especially when I felt stucked.Now that I’m using ChatGPT as an editor, my entire process has changed.The AI checks my grammar and writing for errors while optimizing my content to be more SEO-friendly.

When I struggle with writer’s block, it provides me with outline ideas that I can then fill in with my own words.
Some might wonder if I use ChatGPT to write entire articles, and while I could, I prefer to focus on the core aspects of an article and set the foundation for the AI to build upon.

Is it wrong for an article to be completely written by AI?

I don’t think so, if the reader is moved by it. Why should it matter whether information was produced by a person or an AI if consuming it enhances one’s life? Future content produced by humans and artificial intelligence (AI) will likely be harder to distinguish, in my opinion. What truly matters is not the content itself, but its source.
Reliable sources will reign supreme in the future, and building trustworthiness is the key to success.

Whom we trust, however, is a more personal matter – a question that has persisted throughout human history. Who do we listen to? Those we trust or believe in.

While it’s uncertain whether we can prevent AI from going rogue and spreading misinformation, I believe it is our responsibility to determine whom we trust.

This is why I find AI so fascinating – it poses a challenge to humanity. It’s thrilling to be alive during an era when such transformative technologies are emerging.AI has already changed our society and has personally made me a better marketer and salesperson.

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