Explain me

vibe coding

Vibe Coding: Die Zukunft der Softwareentwicklung oder nur ein Hype?

Ich hatte mich schon immer gefragt, wie ich mich genau bezeichnen soll, wenn es um die Frage geht, ob ich ein Entwickler bin. Letztens fragte mich jemand, was ich mit KI alles mache. Ich sagte, ich entwickle Webanwendungen. Die spontane Antwort darauf? „Nee, du bist kein Entwickler, du lässt die KI entwickeln.“ So falsch ist […]

Vibe Coding: Die Zukunft der Softwareentwicklung oder nur ein Hype? Read More »


EU-KI-Verordnung 2024: Insider-AMA und was Unternehmen wissen müssen

Vor kurzem habe ich meinen ersten Blogbeitrag auf Deutsch veröffentlicht, und die Resonanz war überwältigend: Die Besucherzahlen haben sich verdoppelt, besonders aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. Dies zeigt mir, dass die Entscheidung, den Blog auch auf Deutsch anzubieten, die richtige war. Doch heute möchte ich ein Thema aufgreifen, das meiner Meinung nach zu wenig Beachtung erhält,

EU-KI-Verordnung 2024: Insider-AMA und was Unternehmen wissen müssen Read More »

Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence

Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Exploration

In the vast realm of technological advancements, one question has persistently intrigued scientists, philosophers, and tech enthusiasts alike: Can artificial intelligence (AI) ever achieve consciousness? A recent report delves deep into this enigma, advocating for a meticulous and empirical approach to evaluate AI systems for consciousness. The Multifaceted Science of Consciousness Consciousness, in its essence,

Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Exploration Read More »

no mans sky

The Role of AI in the Exploration of Consciousness and Reality

In the ever-evolving realm of artificial intelligence (AI), we find a fascinating partner in our exploration of consciousness and its relationship to our reality. As AI continues to advance at a rapid pace, it brings forth intriguing questions and offers unique insights into the nature of consciousness. As a writer and avid explorer of the

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ai stages of development

Understanding the Stages of AI Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) encompasses the field of computer science that focuses on developing systems capable of performing tasks typically associated with human intelligence. These tasks include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language understanding. The concept of AI has been around since the mid-20th century, and its evolution has led to the developmentof systems that can

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LLMs vs. CPUs

LLMs and CPUs: The Battle for Processing Power Dominance

In the ever-evolving world of technology, one thing remains constant: the pursuit of advancements. Computers have come a long way, captivating millions of users, but their limitations in speed and storage have always been a source of frustration. The demand for enhanced performance, in the battle between LLMs and CPUs, has been insatiable, driving the

LLMs and CPUs: The Battle for Processing Power Dominance Read More »

langchain framework

The Langchain Framework: A Game-Changer for AI Tools and Applications

As ChatGPT’s popularity soars, the AI tools market is experiencing an unprecedented explosion. Since the beginning of this year, over 3,000 AI tools have already entered the market, all thanks to groundbreaking frameworks like Langchain. Langchain, an open-source framework, enables developers to merge large language models such as GPT-4 with external data sources and computational

The Langchain Framework: A Game-Changer for AI Tools and Applications Read More »

The AI Whisperer: Mastering the Art of Communication with Machines

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed the way we interact with technology. As AI systems become more advanced, so does the need for effective communication between humans and machines. The AI prompter, sometimes referred to as the AI Whisperer or AI Engineer, is an expert in communicating with AI, bridging the gap and ensuring a

The AI Whisperer: Mastering the Art of Communication with Machines Read More »