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C.H. Nguyen

lk-99 superconductor

My Exploration of LK-99: A Superconductor Miracle or a Scientific Puzzle?

Welcome to the intriguing world of LK-99, a potential superstar in the domain of room-temperature superconductors. It’s not just its unique gray-black hue that’s turned heads, but also its claimed ability to conduct electricity under everyday temperature and pressure. What’s even more fascinating to me is that its superconductivity is… Read More »My Exploration of LK-99: A Superconductor Miracle or a Scientific Puzzle?

meta realease lama2

The Release of Llama 2: Unlocking the Potential of Open-Source AI

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, in collaboration with Microsoft, has introduced Llama 2, the latest generation of their open-source large language model. Llama 2 represents a significant breakthrough in artificial intelligence (AI) and holds immense potential for both positive advancements and potential challenges. In this article, we will explore the… Read More »The Release of Llama 2: Unlocking the Potential of Open-Source AI

claude 2 chatgpt competitor

Claude-2: The Promising Challenger to ChatGPT’s Dominance

In the realm of artificial intelligence and natural language processing, ChatGPT has long held the title as a leading language model, revolutionizing human-machine interactions. However, recent advancements in the field have given rise to formidable competitors. One such challenger is Claude-2, developed by Anthropic, a renowned AI research company. This… Read More »Claude-2: The Promising Challenger to ChatGPT’s Dominance

ai machine unlearning

Deep Dive into Machine Unlearning

In recent years, the field of deep learning has witnessed remarkable advancements. From lifelike image generation to conversational language models, the potential of deep neural network models is awe-inspiring. However, as we continue to explore the extensive use of these models, caution is essential. Responsible AI development and privacy protection… Read More »Deep Dive into Machine Unlearning

ai education japan

Shaping the Future: The Integration of AI in Japanese Education

Japan emphasizes the nurturing of students’ AI literacy in their latest academic blueprint, a stride many other nations ought to replicate. This roadmap underscores the criticality of young learners grasping the intricate details of AI, along with its merits and pitfalls – including potential privacy breaches and copyright infringements. Before… Read More »Shaping the Future: The Integration of AI in Japanese Education